Sunday, May 24, 2015

100 Word Challenge Week 34

“You up for combat training?” Christopher challenged Scott as he bolted for the arena. Suddenly they heard a loud BANG! Christopher turned around to see that a bolt of lightning struck Scott. “ARE YOU OKAY MAN!?” the smell of smoke filled the air. Once he was at Scott’s side, he saw that in place of Scott was a girl wearing his armor. Christopher had seen things like this before and knew who to see,“Um, lets go find Mr. Magic, okay?”

After telling Mr. Magic about the situation, he concocted a strange looking brew in his cauldron. Scott was doubtful, so as she lifted the lid…

Sunday, May 17, 2015

100 Word Challenge Week 33

I’--- WHOA!” Christopher screamed as he got a face full of flames. He quickly dodged the attack before raising his sword and realizing he woke up the dragon. “Shoot! Now how am I going to get the apple?!” Christopher stood up and tried to adjust his hat but the ferocious wind blew it away. The dragon started charging at him while snarling loudly. As Christopher got ready to attack, the dragon ran past him and started tearing up his hat. He realized that it only wanted to play. “Sit?” the dragon obeyed him. “Well, I’ll call you Festus” he laughed as he took an apple.